Schedule a notification
With PushPro, you can easily send scheduled notifications. Navigate to the Push Notifications tab in your portal and create a new notification like you're used to. Complete step 1 'compose' and click 'next' to go to step 2. Below the 'vibration pattern' field, you can switch on the 'scheduled sending' button and select an exact date and time to send your notification. Mind the time zone you're in which is listed above the date/time selector, and make sure you correctly select AM or PM time. When you're done, select 'Save Notification' (right corner). The notification is now saved to your scheduled menu!
Once you’ve scheduled your notifications, you can access your scheduled notifications in the “Scheduled” tab under “Notifications” in the sidebar. Here you are able to edit and configure your scheduled notifications and see how many scheduled notifications you have.
Verify your setup
You can verify if you set everything up correctly by navigating to If you see a push notification opt-in request, everything is working! That’s all, your website is now ready to send push notifications!
If you do not see an opt-in request, you can check whether the code snippet and javascript file were correctly added. Navigate to Here you should find the following text:
Next up, you can verify whether you correctly added the code snippet. On, right-click anywhere on the website and select “Page Source”. Here, you should find the following text:
window.__pushpro = {
site_uuid: "your-unique-identifier",